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更新日期:2020-10-16 15:55



妊娠 身体锻炼

【中文摘要】在没有禁忌症的情况下,妊娠期正 确的运动和锻炼
范的运动和 锻炼,而且鲜有人对我国妊娠期女性的运动和锻炼情况进
行系统调查,也很少看到对妊娠期女性的运动和 锻炼进行全面、系统
对妊娠 期运动和锻炼培训的需求,为下一步医院或社区开展相应系
统、规范的培训做铺垫,以期今后以最佳的方 式进行宣传和培训,并能
查对象。对产妇在产后 满一年时进行入户问卷调查,在调查过程中共
调查到102人,其中2份问卷填写不全作废,共发放问卷 102份,回收
件包进行处理。1.女性妊娠 期经常进行盆底肌锻炼(Kegel训练)者仅
5.00%,经常进行孕妇保健操者仅1.00%,经常 进行其他形式的运动或
( 90.00%)和爬楼梯(48.00%)。有55.00%的女性认为自己在怀孕期间
很少参加运动和 锻炼,而其原因47.27%的女性是不清楚正确的方式,
所以不敢做,38.18%的女性是没有时间 做。2.85.00%的女性没有参与
过妊娠期运动和锻炼知识和方式的正规培训,女性对于妊娠期运动 和

61.00%。3. 女性对学习妊娠期运动和锻炼相关知识的需求,比较需要
者为31.00%,非常需要者为46.00% 。在告知妊娠期运动和锻炼有利后,
认为参加培训的可能性较大和很大者为53.00%;遵照执行的可 能性
望74.00% 选择了专业人员面授,对培训地点的期望65.00%选择了产
前检查的医院。5.文化程度、职业与参 加妊娠期运动和锻炼培训的需
求有相关性(P0.05)。6.剖宫产率为70.00%,采用剖宫产的 原因为害
1年B MI均有显著性差异(P<0.01)。而妊娠期的运动和锻炼有助于降
低剖宫产率和控制体重等,从客 观上说明有必要对妊娠期女性进行运
动和锻炼的知识指导和方式的培训。1.妊娠期女性经常参与运动和 锻
参加过相关知识和方式 的正规培训,女性对学习相关知识和参与培训
的需求较高。3.大多数女性希望在产前检查的医院参与培 训,并希望
【英文摘要】[] Without contraindication, sports and
physical exercises during pregnancy are good for pregnant
women,fetuses and delibery. But sports and physical exercises
are not common in pregnant women now in China,and few people
have done systematic investigation about sports and physical
exercises during pregnancy in China until now,and there are few

reports about general and systematic training on sports and
physical exercises during pregnancy. The objective of this
research is to investigate the current situation of target
population on sports and physical exercises during pregnancy,
and the demand of training, so that we can prepare for the
following systematic and normative training in hospitals or
communities, and in the future we can use the best pattern in
publicizing and training to get the best effect.[Methods] The
method is stratified random sampling.135 were selected
randomly from 402 puerperae who produced from February 2009 to
February 2010 in Tianning District of Changzhou. The
investigation was a household survey using questionnaires,and
it was done when those puerperae had given birth to babies over
1 year.102 were investigated during the investigation, and 2
of the questionnaires were voided because of incompletion.102
questionnaires were extended, and 100 were recovered. The
coefficient of recovery is 98.04%. The questionnaire was self
made, and there are three parts, the first part is general
condition survey, the second part is sports and physical
exercises,and the third is pregnancy and produce. The results
of the investigation were handled by SPSS16.0. [Results]1. Only
5.00% of the pregnant women did pelvic floor muscle exercise

(Kegel exercise) frequently during pregnancy,and the percent
of those who did pregnant women exercises frequently is 1.00%,
and the percent of those who did other sports or physical
exercises frequently is 3.00%.Stroll(90.00%) and climb
stairs(48.00%) are the most common forms in the other sports
and physical exercises.55.00% of the women considered that they
seldom did sports and physical exercises during pregnancy, and
the reasons were that they did not know the right way so that
they did not dare to do(47.27%) and they did not have time to
practice.2. 85.00% of the women hadn’t attended the standard
training. Only 1.00% of the women think that they know extremely
about the knowledge on sports and physical exercises during
pregnancy, and 7.00% of them think they know about the knowledge
better than common women.36.00% of the ways that those women
got the knowledge were through the publicity of the hospitals,
and 61.00% were through reading books and surfing the
internet.3. 31.00% of those women’s requirement on learning
knowledge about sports and physical exercises during pregnancy
is higher than common,and 46.00% of them is very high. After
knowing that the sports and physical exercise during pregnancy
are benefical,53.00% of them think that the possibility of
attending the training on sports and physical exercise during

pregnancy is high and higher than common, and 46.00% of them
think that possibility of obeying the training is high and
higher than common.4. 74.00% of the women chosed specialized
persons’teaching when asked about the form of training on
sports and physical exercise during pregnancy.65.00% of them
chosed hospitals where doing antenatal examination when asked
about the place where do the training.5. Degree of education,
job have the relationship with the requirement of attending the
training on sports and physical exercise during
pregnancy(P0.05).6. The rate of caesarean section is
70.00% ,and 38.57% of the reason of caesarean section is afraid
of BMI before pregnancy,after produce,6 months
after produce and 1 year after produce have extremely
difference (P<0.01). Sports and physical exercises during
pregnancy can reduce the rate of abdominal delivery and control
the weight. According to the objective condition, we should
give direction and training to the women about sports and
physical exercises during pregnancy currently.[Conclusions]1.
The rate of those pregnant women who did sports and physical
exercises frequently is very low.2. The women know little about
sports and physical exercises during pregnancy. Most of the
women hadn’t attended the standard training,and the

requirement of learning knowledges and attending the trains
about sports and physical exercises during pregnancy is
relatively high.3. Most women chosed specialized persons’
teaching and hospitals where doing antenatal examination when
asked about the form and place doing the trains.
【关键词】妊娠 身体锻炼
139938848 138113721

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【说明】本文仅为中国学术文献总库合作提供,无涉版权。作者如 有异议请与总库或学校联系。

【英文关键词】pregnancy physical exercise
6-8Abstract8-10第一部分 文献综述11-19第二部分 问
题的提出19-211. 进行该调查研究的原因192. 本调查研究
1 的目的及欲解决的问题19-21
第三部分 对象与方法21-23
3 调查的实施及质量控制2 调查工具21-22
4 统计学分析22-23第四部分 结果23-341. 一般情况
2. 妊娠期女性运动和锻炼的现状23-273. 女性对妊娠期
运动和锻炼知识和方式的培训需求27-314. 目前进行妊娠期运
2. 女性对妊
讨论34-371. 妊娠期女性运动和锻炼的现状34
娠期运动和锻炼知识和方式的培训需求34-353. 目前进行妊娠
第六部分 期运动和锻炼知识和方式培训存在客观必要性35-37

1 结论372. 思考37-392.1 本研究的
附录2.2 本研究存在的问题与不足37-39
致谢49- 50参考文献45-49攻读学位期间发表的学









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