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更新日期:2020-12-14 09:44


在现代人一致呼吁健康饮食的口号声中,大部分人过多地放大了蔬菜的好处 ,却忽略
了肉类中的营养成份。不少爱美女性拒“肉”于千里之外,甚至谈“肉”色变,深怕 肉类
殊不知,肉类中含 有多种人体所必须的营养素。英国营养基金会总干事卡比达教授
就指出,不吃红肉会令身体较易受细菌感 染,而且肉类含有多种人体必要的营养(人体血液
所需的铁质和骨骼所需的维他命 D等),缺少会导致多种疾病。吃红肉不但可以增强免疫力,
吃肉与美感 ——其实,适当的脂肪能使皮肤富有弹性不易松驰;能使皮肤看起来光滑
骨骼的锥形 、三角形轮廓特征会很明显,反而会给人瘦骨嶙峋的感觉,失去美感。
吃肉与健康 —— 一些脂溶性维生素A、D、E等必须溶解在脂类食物中才能被机体吸
收利用。如果不吃脂肪,只吃维生素 ,会容易造成各种维生素缺乏症。缺乏维生素A会引
起皮肤干燥粗糙、头发枯黄干燥、鳞屑增多、指甲凹 凸不平、角膜软化以及夜盲症等;缺乏
维生素E会影响生殖系统的正常发育,出现早衰症状;缺乏维生素 D更会引起骨质疏松、
吃肉与长寿 —— 关于寿命与动物蛋白质之间的关系,日本东京老龄综合研究所曾做过
一次调查,对象是 100名百岁以 上老人。通过分析他们的饮食结构得知,“在每天摄取的蛋
白质总量中,动物蛋白质所占比例男性为59 .6%,女性为57.6%,而当时日本全国的人
均同比只有48.7%”。从这一侧面可看出,摄取足 够的动物蛋白质可明显提高长寿概率。
该研究所推出的“2001年中年人防老计划”中明确了老年人的 蛋白质摄取与生活能力的若
干关系,例如,就休闲及写作这类脑力劳动多大程度受饮食的影响这一问题展 开的调查,对
650名65岁以上的人做了两年的跟踪随访,结果表明在经常吃肉、乳制品和油性食品的 人
比较低 。
吃肉与智力 ——人体细胞中除去水分,60%左右为蛋白质,30%左右为脂肪,而大 脑
确实会支撑脑 力。
肉的好处纵然说得再多,也不可过量,合理搭配, 掌握好肉类与蔬菜之间的平衡膳食
另外,美国和挪威的科学家最近亦表示,红肉、 芝士和奶类产品中含有一种名为复合亚油酸
(CLA)的天然脂肪,可以改善人体脂肪和肌肉的比例,有 助控制体重。此外,研究结果亦显
示复合亚油酸有预防癌症、控制哮喘和糖尿病、增强免疫能力和减缓血 管硬化等功效,对人

素、锌、 磷及多种胺基酸。
人体在吸收多样化食物的营养中,不可能全部摄取到所需营养,但从牛肉中摄 取为最直
营 养没法与牛肉相比,所以,有吃一块牛肉,抵得上一天的营养的说法。
蛋白质是维持人体健康 所不可欠缺的营养素。蛋白质与糖、脂肪为人体所需三大营养素,
也是维持生命最重要的营养素。我们的 肌肉、皮肤、器官、骨骼、血管、毛发、指甲等都是
由它们所构成,也是制造血液、贺尔蒙、氧气、神经 传达物质、免疫物质的原料。
牛肉含均衡的必须氨基酸,食品内所含的蛋白质,在体内会被小小单 位的氨基酸分解利用,
必须氨基酸—— 大人需8种、小孩多2种为10种,牛肉的另一特征,即是含有均衡营
养的氨基酸。发育期的小孩为有强 壮的体魄;老年人消化机能退化、吸收能力降低等,都需
牛肉含丰富、易为 人体吸收的铁质,将氧气、能量输送到身体各处,都靠血液中红血球
的血红素。而其成分都不能缺少铁质 。食物中所含的铁质共分2种,常减肥的女性容易出现
贫血的现象,对于想保持神采奕奕的人,预防贫血 是很重要的。
铁质不足所引发的症状:贫血、血气不良、手脚冰冷、指甲易断、头发易分岔。女 性由
铁质 。常食用容易吸收、低热量的牛肉,可大量增加铁质的吸收。
牛肉的品质是要靠牛的饲养。美国 牛肉,全世界屈指一数。本公司的西餐牛排已经经营
20年历史,保持牛肉的原汁原味,尤其是其中的营 养成份,通过冷藏、解冻、烤煮、上盘


豆腐的不足之处是它所含的大豆蛋白中缺少一种必需氨基酸— ——蛋氨酸,若单独食用,
蛋白质利用率低。如搭配一些别的食物,使大豆蛋白中所缺的蛋氨酸得到补充 ,使整个氨基酸
的配比趋于平衡。人体就能充分吸收利用豆腐中的蛋白质。而鱼类体内这种氨基酸含量非 常
者合 吃,借助鱼体内维生素D的作用,可使人体对钙的吸收率提高很多倍。因此,特别适合中老
年人、青少年 、孕妇食用。豆腐炖鱼除了其营养价值的互补作用外,还别有风味。广东地区
最常见的一道好菜豆腐炖鱼 头,是先把鱼头煎好,再加水放入豆腐一起炖,熟时香气四溢,颜色

除了鱼以外,还有蛋类、肉类蛋白质中的蛋氨酸含量也较高,豆腐应与此类食物混合食用 ,
素 、锌、磷及多种胺基酸。

人体在吸收多样化食物的营养中,不可能 全部摄取到所需营养,但从牛肉中摄取为
最直接和最充整的。而且,牛肉的营养成份很高,人体每天需要 的22种胺基酸,一半以上
的胺基酸可由人体制造,但有8种胺基酸在人体内无法自制的,称为必需胺基 酸,得由食物

牛肉食物中所含有人体所须这8种必需的胺 基酸,而且是100%吸收,任何动、植物
的营养没法与牛肉相比,所以,有吃一块牛肉,抵得上一天的 营养的说法。


养素,也是维持生命最 重要的营养素。我们的肌肉、皮肤、器官、骨骼、血管、毛发、指甲
等都是由它们所构成,也是制造血液 、贺尔蒙、氧气、神经传达物质、免疫物质的原料。

牛肉含均衡的必须氨基酸, 食品内所含的蛋白质,在体内会被小小单位的氨基酸分解利
用,而必须氨基酸无法从体内合成,需从食物 补给。

必需氨基酸——大人需8种、小孩多2种为10种,牛肉的另一特征, 即是含有均衡营
养的氨基酸。发育期的小孩为有强壮的体魄;老年人消化机能退化、吸收能力降低等,都 需

牛肉含丰富、易为人体吸收的铁质,将氧气、能量输送 到身体各处,都靠血液中红血球
的血红素。而其成分都不能缺少铁质。食物中所含的铁质共分2种,常减 肥的女性容易出现

于月 经,每月要失血15-30mg的铁,因此铁的需要量多男性2成。此外,为了制造妊娠中
婴儿的血液, 妊娠前期所需的铁为10mg,妊娠后期和哺乳中需要男性的2倍、即20mg的
铁质。常食用容易吸收 、低热量的牛肉,可大量增加铁质的吸收。

牛肉的品质是要靠牛的饲养。美国 牛肉,全世界屈指一数。所以,本人喜欢上西餐牛排
已是不少年的历史,其保持牛肉的原汁原味,尤其是 其中的营养成份,通过冷藏、解冻、烤
The benefits of eating meat
In the same appeal to people's healthy eating amid slogans, most of them
too much to enlarge the benefits of vegetables, but it ignores the meat of
nutrients. Beauty, many women refuse to
to talk about the
affected his body, thus forced to become quasi-vegetarian.
As everyone knows, the meat in the human body contains a variety of
necessary nutrients. British Nutrition Foundation, Director-General of the
card up to more than a professor pointed out, do not eat red meat would
make the body more vulnerable to bacterial infection, and a variety of
meat containing the necessary nutrients the body (human blood and bones
of iron needed for the necessary vitamins D, etc.), will lead to a lack of a
variety of diseases. Eat red meat, not only can enhance immunity, red
meat contains a special anti-obesity are more Fatty!
Meat and sense of beauty - in fact, appropriate fatty skin elastic
relaxation is not easy; skin looks smooth and moisturizing dry rough is
not easy; make the body symmetry, the sense of beauty full of curves. If
characteristics of the outline of the triangle will be very clear, but it
would give people the feeling thin, loss of sense of beauty.
Meat and health - some of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and so
must be dissolved in lipids in food can be absorbed by the body to use. If
you do not eat fat, eat vitamins, is liable to lead to a variety of vitamin
deficiency. A lack of vitamin A cause rough dry skin, brown hair and dry,
increasing Lin Xie, uneven fingernails, as well as to soften the cornea,
such as night blindness; a lack of vitamin E may affect the normal
development of the reproductive system, the emergence of symptoms of
premature senility; a lack of vitamin D will lead to osteoporosis , To
soften and easy to cause fracture.
Meat and live longer - on the life and the relationship between animal
protein, Tokyo, Japan Aging Research Institute made a survey of 100
elderly people over 100 years. By analyzing the structure of their diet that,

percent for men and women to 57.6 percent, while Japan was the
country's per capita the same period last year, only 48.7 %.
seen from the side, adequate intake of animal protein can significantly
increase the probability of longevity. The Institute launched the

elderly living with the protein intake capacity of a number of
relationships, for example, the leisure and writing this type of mental
work by catering to what extent the impact of this issue Survey of 650
people over the age of 65 did a two-year follow-up results show that
regular meat, dairy products and oily food of the poor people living in the
incidence rate of 0.78, are used to eating vegetables, fruits 0.93
man-made, three meals a day and always rice, miso soup and pickles or
people is as high as 1.03. The elderly often can be seen eating meat of the
brain activity of decay, the life of the lower incidence is relatively low.
Meat and intelligence - the human body cells to remove water, 60%
protein, 30% for fat, and brain cells in the fat was as high as 60-65%.
This shows that fat is an important substance of the brain, and efficient
way of thinking, need to consume a large amount of fat. Scientific
research found that those who do not eat fat, which is also lower
intelligence, shows that fat does mental support.
Although the benefits of meat put it more, not to be excessive, with a
reasonable, meat and vegetables have a good balance between diet is the
In addition, scientists in the United States and Norway also recently said
that the red meat, cheese and dairy products contain a compound known
as linoleic acid (CLA) of natural fats, can improve the body fat and
muscle ratio, it would help control weight . The study also showed that
linoleic acid compound to prevent cancer, asthma and diabetes control,
and enhance immunity such as hardening of the arteries and slow down
the effectiveness, of great benefit to the human body.
Meat can promote the development of animal husbandry in China,
promote the development of the national economy!
To add to the body required for protein! It also helps the body absorb
fat- soluble vitamin.

The benefits of steak
Beef contained the necessary elements of the human body is up to a
maximum of the richest. These include: protein, blood quality iron,
vitamins, zinc, phosphorus and a variety of amino acids.
In the diversity of the human body to absorb nutrients in food, it is
impossible that all the necessary nutrition intake, but intake of beef for
the most direct and charge of the whole. In addition, beef's nutrients high,
the human body needs every day of the 22 kinds of amino acids, more
than half of the amino acids the human body can manufacture, but there
are 8 kinds of amino acids in the human body can not self-made, known
as essential amino acids , By food intake.
Food containing beef in the human body to be necessary for this amino
acid 8, and is 100% absorption of any animal and plant nutrition of beef
and can not, therefore, have to eat a piece of beef, worth a day's nutrition
Protein is the maintenance of human health can not be a lack of nutrients.
Protein and sugar, fat of the three major nutrients needed for the human
body, is the most important life-sustaining nutrients. We have the muscle,
skin, organs, bones, blood vessels, hair, nails, and so they are posed, but
also manufacture blood, hormone, oxygen, nerve convey material, raw
material immunity.
Beef must be balanced with amino acids, food contained protein, the
body will be small units of the use of amino acids break down, and must
not be from the amino acid synthesis in the body, from the food supply.
Amino acids must - take 8 adults, 2 children more than 10 species of the
other characteristics of beef, that is, a balanced diet containing amino
acids. Period for the development of the children have a strong physique;
degradation of the digestive function of the elderly, reduce the absorption
capacity, and so on, need more intake.
Beef is rich and easy for the human body's absorption of iron, oxygen and
energy into different parts of the body, by the red blood cell hemoglobin
in the blood. And its composition can not be a lack of iron. The iron
content in food is divided into 2, the regular diet of women prone to
anemia, for people who want to keep spirits, the prevention of anemia is
very important.
Lack of iron-induced symptoms: anemia, bad gas, cold hands and feet,
easily broken fingernails, hair and easy bifurcation. Women because of
menstruation, blood loss per month to 15-30mg of iron, so iron
requirements and more men into 2. In addition, in order to create the
baby's blood in pregnancy, early pregnancy required for the iron 10mg,
the latter part of pregnancy and breast-feeding need to 2 times that of men,
that is, 20mg of iron. Regular absorption of food easy, low-calorie beef
can be a significant increase in iron absorption.
To rely on the quality of beef cattle rearing. U.S. beef, the world number
one flexor. The company's Western Steak 20-year-old has been operating
and maintaining the original beef, in particular nutrients, frozen, thawed
and cooked roast, there are strict requirements on the plate, Jiankao out of
steak, fresh juicy, High nutritional value.
Diet is important to eat healthy, affordable and nutrition, can only eat
steak and file.









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