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更新日期:2020-11-12 15:44



1. 视觉刺激
眼 神交流能够锻炼宝宝的眼部肌肉,避免未来的眼部问题并
有助于早期的面部识别能力。同时,研究表明孩 子两岁的时
和早期社交互动的一种标 志。多和你的宝宝进行眼神交流,
2. 音 乐刺激研究证明,多听古典音乐和爵士音乐的宝宝在日
后会拥有更好的学习成绩和艺术鉴赏能力,并且比 听其他类
式乡村乐和数码金属乐等会 产生消极影响,造成各个年龄段
乐和 声乐合集等则无功无过。
3. 提高对因果关系的理解
告诉你的宝宝你将要做的事情,然后 做给他们看。这样能帮
会被表扬的喜 悦和做不到时的失望。在他们的生活中贯彻这
4. 母乳哺育
超过400项研究表明,对于婴幼儿来说,母 乳是最健康的食
育的时间。母乳哺育 的孩子通常有更高的学习能力、更少的
岁之间的某个时段会自己断奶。许多医生和 牙医建议,3岁
5. 不要经常看电视
习方面的表现就越好,行为问题也越 少;而看电视越多,父
脑、平板电脑 和手机也是一样。
6. 身体接触
孩子对父母的身体接触会有很大的需求。新的研究表明, 和
健康。荷尔蒙水平会影响糖尿病、 超重和其他老年疾病在儿
认为,父母 与孩子的拥抱和肢体游戏比其他所有的活动都要
重要,且并不会导致过度依赖(除非父母通过身体接触来 将
们跑过来冲进你的怀抱里,这样能 建立孩子的信心和独立。
7. 让孩子来教你学习新技能最好的方式就是去教别人。这需
要孩 子去理解这项技能,并运用会话技巧来向你描述信息。
孩子尝试新的角度去观察旧的信息,而你也能从中 有所收获。
8. 做一些改变对于注意力不集中的孩子来说,循例行事可以
防止分心,但也可 能会导致其他问题。可以尝试做一些简单
还能教会孩子用新的方式解决问题。你 也可以把它变成游戏,
子选择和责任 ,让他们体会尝试新事物的乐趣。
9. 玩纸杯游戏
拿三个纸杯倒置,在其中一个纸杯里藏 一个小玩具,让孩子
运用观察技巧来 解决问题。随着肌肉发育,幼儿开始用眼睛
10. 让孩子自己捡东西孩子在哪都能掉东西。如果你老是帮
他们捡,他们觉得理所当然,要 让他们自己捡起来。可能一
原处并自 己捡东西。这对于青少年来说也是个很重要的技能。
对学幼儿来说,当他们的东西掉到了婴儿座椅下面, 你可以
如果是他们扔出去的,那东西 就拿不回来了。原文:
21 Ways to Promote Healthy Brain Development (part
1)Stimulate Your Baby's VisionMaking eye contact helps
build the muscles that focus your baby’s eyes. This can
help ward off eye problems in the future and helps them
recognize faces early on. Studies also show newborns
start imitating facial movements as early as 2 days old.
Researchers believe it’s a sign of problem solving and
early social interactions. Later on, keep up the eye contact.
It will help build their confidence with other people and
teach them to be ate with MusicStudies
show babies who listen to classical or jazz music do better
in school, have a better appreciation of the arts later in life
and are calmer than those who listen to any other music
form. The negative forms of music are rap, R&B, hard rock,
old- style country, and technometal, and studies show a
decrease in IQ in every age group that listens to these
forms. Ethnic, world, soft rock, new country, and vocal
selections are considered neutral: neither helps nor
e Cause and Effect Tell your baby and
toddler what you will do, then do it. It teaches cause and
effect and helps them to understand your requests earlier.
It also will help teach them the joys of praise and the
disappointment of not doing what you want. This can help
when you need to punish them later in you continue
this through their lives, they learn the value of following
through on tasks and completing what they say they will
complete. They are taught by example to be true to their
-feedThere are now over 400 different studies
showing breast- feeding is the healthiest form of food for
infants and toddlers. Unless your child is allergic, stick to
breast milk as long as possible. Breastfed babies have
higher scholastic aptitude, fewer allergies and illnesses,
better weight control, and are more emotionally
ch is divided over the best time to stop,
however. Most infants will choose to stop on their own
somewhere between 6 months and 2 years of age. Many
doctors and dentists believe that once a child reaches the
age of 3, breastfeeding should end as it could cause mouth
problems later in the TVWhile it can mesmerize
your child for hours at a time, the less time a child is
exposed to any television, the better they do in school and
the less behavioral problem they have. It’s also observed
the more the TV is used in a household, the less
interaction a parent has with their child, to the detriment of
the child. This also included the computer, tablets, and
is Paramount!Your child’s need for touch
from you is more than just a whim. New research is
showing that children who are touched more by their
parents have better hormonal profiles than children
touched less. These profiles are shedding new light on the
rise of diabetes, obesity, and other old-age diseases that
are occurring in children. While the studies are far from
over and not conclusive yet, pediatricians are saying that
holding your child and allowing physical play with them is
more important than nearly all other activities and will not
cause clinging issues (unless the parent uses the touch to
shield the child from the world).Allow your child to hold
your hand to explore new things and happily allow them to
run to you for a quick hug before returning to play. This
builds confidence and independence at the same
Them TeachThe best way to learn a new skill is to teach it
to another. It requires the person or child to understand the
topic, then use conversational skills to relate that
information back to you. You may just learn something new
as they explore new ways of looking at old
the RoutineFor ADHD kids, routine
helps eliminate distraction. However, it can also lead to
other problems. Changes as simple as seating patterns,
different routes to walk or drive home, and various foods
teaches kids that it’s just fine to have change, that change
is not as scary as they think, and new ways to approach a
can turn change into a game by having them
decide between 2-3 different options. This also teaches
choice, responsibility, and they learn it’s fun to try the new
the Cup GameHide a small toy under one of
three cups. Then, shuffle the cups and let them find the
prize. They are able to spend the time with you, learn
objects can disappear and then come back, and use
observational skills to solve problems. As their muscles
develop, toddlers will start following the correct cup with
their eyes and bodies. This can help hand eye
Them Pick It Up!Kids love to drop things
wherever they want. Picking up after your kids teaches
them that is acceptable behavior. If a child drops a toy,
make sure you teach them to pick it back up. It may take a
while of doing it with them, but soon they will learn to put a
toy back where they found them and to clean up after
themselves. When children become teenagers, this is a
useful toddlers who drop things out of their high
chair, you can teach them you will do things for them by
picking up the object, or that if they throw something away,
it is gone.









本文更新与2020-11-12 15:44,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:http://www.xapfxb.com/yuer/352384.html
