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更新日期:2020-10-27 07:26



在怀孕对夫妻那些事的影响上,至今仍有 一些很荒唐的看法。其中最貌似正确,实则谬误的
说法——女人一旦怀孕,就不再对性爱感兴趣——着实 让许多准爸们心灰意冷、失魂落魄,
更有甚者,恨不得抱紧身边最近的一条凳子腿来安慰自己无法得到满 足的生理需要。

实际上,孩子他妈真的就没有需要么?你们就该与性绝缘吗?有没有一 种既安全而又快



己那 根张牙舞爪的阴茎正朝着小宝宝那柔软的小脑袋冲过去。不仅男人这么想,有比较多的
孕妇也因为怕会影 响到胎儿的健康而对孕期性生活敬而远之。

其实,你的小宝贝被羊水包围着,被吊桥一 样的宫颈保护着,被宫颈口像塞子似的粘液
封着,他受到的是异常安全的保护。除非你有一根像锥形交通 路标那样的阴茎,不然你肯定

从医学角度看 ,总的来说,进入了怀孕4-6个月(孕中期)稳定期的健康孕妇,是完全可
以进行适度的性生活的。孕 早期很敏感,性刺激有可能诱发子宫收缩导致流产;孕晚期性生
活则可能因为胎膜早破或感染而导致早产 。

只要你的妻子是正常怀孕,你又不是什么性饥渴、性变态者,你们尽可以想做就做。 当


毕竟,她还是处于特殊时期。尽管你的武器不会直接 捅到宝宝,但如果照搬平时享乐的
体位插入太深,多次撞击到阴道顶端的宫颈部位,也可能产生强烈子宫 收缩引起早产。

不必着急,妇产专家都为你想到了,请参照“后侧卧位法”——从后侧 卧位插入,既不

此外,有些事情你也要尽量避免——往阴道里插入任何物体都有可能造成伤害或感染。< br>拜托讲讲卫生吧!如果你在进入她身体前没有做足清洁工作,请马 上停止这么做,要知道,
孕期 染个什么菌可不能随便用药。乳头刺激法也要从你们的“节目单”中取消,因为这会让
女性体内产生催产 素,引起子宫收缩。

千万、一定不要忘了戴“套套”!精液中的前列腺素,已经被用于 制造“可引发宫缩的


在采访了许多位准爸爸关于妻子怀孕对夫妻性生活 的影响时,记者发现了一个普遍存在


在怀孕的前三个月里,随着呕吐、烧心等早孕症状的 出现,对胎儿是否会畸形、流产的
担心,以及怀孕生涯对以往生活计划打乱的不适应,许多准妈妈都 会 在她们的记事本里把
做爱扔到剪脚指甲后面。同理,她们的丈夫此时也并不会觉得太过“饥渴”。对于大 多数人


在这一阶段,怀孕初期的那些强烈反应渐渐消退,同时宣告着一段小心翼翼的亲热时期< br>开始了。这个时期,大幅提高的荷尔蒙,让她皮肤光滑、分泌物增 多,觉得自己无比性感,
欲望 大增。同时,随着骨盆区的血流量加大,此时的孕妈们阴部变得更加敏感,更容易进入
到“兴奋模式”, 她们有机会获得一次甚至多次 的高潮体验。

当然,有些女性的情况正好相反。孕期做 爱会让有的准妈妈感到非常疼痛,也有人因为
身体发生了巨大变化而沉浸在对自我形象问题的纠结当中, 继而影响了她们的“好性致”,
还有些人会在高潮时或高潮过后出现腹部绞痛,严重的甚至会引起持续的 宫缩!


随着临产期越来越近,尽管孕妈们在高水平 雌激素作用下可能依旧亢奋,但亲热时高耸
笨重的大肚子以及对孕晚期早产风险的担心,不仅造成了身体 上的障碍,也成了丈夫心理上










其实,夫妻亲昵的方式多种多样,不一定要用常规 的“插入式”。只要双方感情好,拥

In pregnant couple on the impact of those things, there are still some ridiculous opinions.
One of the most seems to be correct, but the fallacy, once pregnant, women are no longer
interested in sex - for many would-be fathers disheartened, sitting there,
what's more, wish to hold a chair leg so close to comfort themselves unable to satisfy
physiological needs.
In fact, the child his mama really is no need? You should be insulated with sex? Have a
safe and happy thing? Experts from the department of obstetrics and gynecology special
clew, believe that will help you.
Unless you have a penis like cones
Otherwise you won't poke around, with your baby
Almost every man in the most should invest in that moment, my head will appear a very
inappropriate picture - the root of the penis is moving toward a
baby that individual soft little head blunt past. Men think so, not only have more pregnant
women also because fear will affect the health of the fetus sex during pregnancy stay at a
respectful distance from sb.
In fact, your baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid, the same cervical protected by
suspension bridge, is the opening of the cervix mucus sealing, like a plug he is exception
safety protection. Unless you have a penis like traffic cone, otherwise you would not
touched, and poked, with your baby.
From a medical point of view, on the whole, entered the 4-6 months pregnant (mid
gestation) stability of healthy pregnant women, is completely can doing moderate sex life.
Early pregnancy is very sensitive, sexual stimulation may cause uterine contractions
cause abortion; Late pregnancy sex may be due to infection or premature rupture of
membranes for preterm labor.
As long as your wife is pregnant normally, what you are not horny, perverts, you can just
do it. Among pregnant women, of course, there are individual differences, have sex during
pregnancy, there are some matters we must pay attention to.

After all, she is still in a special period. Although your weapon will not stab directly to the
baby, but if copied the position insert too deep pleasure at ordinary times, many times the
impact to the cervical part at the top of the vagina, also may produce strong contractions
cause premature birth.
Don't try so hard, the maternity experts think for you, please refer to
position after
oppression to her abdominal wall, safe and save Labour, mid pregnancy
In addition, there are some things you should avoid - insert any object into the vagina is
likely to cause injury or infection. Please tell me about health!!!! If you didn't do enough
cleaning before entering into her body, please stop doing this on a horse, you know,
dyeing what bacteria can't literally medication during pregnancy. Nipple stimulation
method will cancel from your
oxytocin, cause uterine contractions.
Must, must don't forget to wear a condom! Prostaglandins in semen, have been used in
the manufacture of
reflective uterine contractions, you still don't take the risk.
To be honest, do you want to do?
After interviewing many an expectant father about his wife pregnant couples sex life,
reporters found a common situation: in different stages of pregnancy, the husband and
wife two people's sexual intensity changes.
The first three months
During the first three months of pregnancy, with the emergence of a pregnancy symptom
such as vomiting, heartburn, fear of will fetal malformations, miscarriage, and don't adapt
to the career planning of past life upset pregnancy, many mothers will throw sex in their
notebooks to cut your nails. In the same way, their husband at this time also will not feel
4 to 6 months
At this stage, the strong reaction in early pregnancy is decreasing, but with a carefully
affectionate period began. This time, a substantial increase in hormone, let her skin
smooth, discharge increases, more feel more sexy, desire soar. At the same time, along
with increased blood flow to the pelvic area, at this time of the pregnant mother genitals
become more sensitive, more easily into the
climax of one or more experience.
And, of course, some women is the opposite. Sex during pregnancy can make some
expectant mothers feel very pain, also some people because of the great changes have
taken place in the body immersed themselves in the tangle of problems of self-image,
which in turn affect their
abdominal cramps, serious even can cause sustained contractions!
After three months
As labor issue is more and more close, although the pregnant mother under the effect of
high levels of estrogen may still excited, but warm and affectionate when high bulky belly
and fear of the risk of a pre-term birth late in pregnancy, not only caused by physical
barriers, also became a husband of psychological barriers. Therefore, after having sex
again thrown into the brain.
6 class pregnant mother don't be too impulsive
The expert reminds, pregnant women have these health problems after the doctor
suggested that had better consult before deciding whether to
Low had a miscarriage, premature birth experience
Low amniotic fluid has a small leak
Low pregnancy complications or high risk of spontaneous abortion
There are unexplained vaginal bleeding, abnormal secretions or vaginal spasm
Low placenta previa, placenta attached to the lower uterine segment, even covered
intracervical mouth)
Low intracervical mouth relaxation syndrome (cervical tube relaxation weakness)
In fact, the husband and wife intimacy in different ways, not necessarily with conventional









本文更新与2020-10-27 07:26,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:http://www.xapfxb.com/yuer/333529.html
