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更新日期:2020-10-26 19:20


Pushing ahead, East, North, West development, facilitating shanty, complete xincheng West Road, stability and reconstruction of the street, Star Ding garden built century Garden District, subject public housing construction, heating the gas expansion accelerated implementation, Jing Rui River and bridge style line solid shaft, further expanded the town development. Beautiful country adhere to the advance and typical for a group to lead. According to ogical lay based, and industry increased income, and live upgrade civilization, and culture rich connotationht, caught built beautiful village, and whole village advance, and easily relocation, and d three builtoject near 30 a; depth into ecological, and industry, and culture, and tourism, elements, high standards caught party original city Liu, and jade are Xia AO, model village, in province City set has benchmark. Four is equal benefits to promote sharing, coordinated development of various social undertakings. In the case of rigid spending slowing revenue growth, increase, financial 75% to the people's livelihood, the masses have more access in the sharing. Cuoban
something good and benefit. Adhere to the affordable, best, carefully cuoban village oil, water and heat, cultural, city and County columns practical, developments benefit families, bring more welfare to the masses. Development of social convenience. Acceptance of balanced development of compulsory education through the national assessment, the County vocational education center was named chool of vocational education in Chinahird batch of national reform and development model through provincial ...
Five is to deepen reform and innovation to break bottlenecks and endogenous development of effective fire. As an engine of dynamism, adding reform key to adopting reform measures stress energy and break bottlenecks and promoting development. Pay close attention to the key areas of reform. Conscientiously implement the provincial deployment and cancel, adjustment, to undertake the administrative approval items according to Regulation 347 to further improve administrative efficiency continuing deepening reform for poverty alleviation, speeding up rural land right registration certification pilot project, encouraging the orderly transfer of land management, utilize the land resources, in order to promote scale management laid the Foundation. Actively cultivate the market. Firmly establish a market-oriented, nurturing family farms, industrial users, professional cooperation organization new market management main body 456, effectively improve the industry, intensive and marketization of encouraging support social capital into the small micro-credit, urban development, culture and tourism, public services and other areas, easing
development shortfall. To promote mass innovation. o support the rural sector to use new thinking and new ideas, creative work incentives such as actively promoting financial intermediation, bring added 159 in non public enterprises, individually-1540, created a
在临床应用方面,B超可以清晰地显示各脏 器及周围器官的各种断
以 早期明确诊断。例如:眼科诊断非金属异物时,在玻璃体混浊的情况
下,可显示视网膜及球后病变。对心 脏的先天性心脏病、风湿性心脏病、
粘液病的非浸入探测有特异性,可代替大部分心导管检查。它亦可用 于
病变的检出已达到1厘 米水平。还可清楚地显示胆囊总胆管、肝管、肝
外胆管、胰腺、肾上腺、前列腺等等。B超检查能检出有 否占位性病变,
结石的检 出率高出传统的检查法。对产科更解决了过去许多难以检出的
疑难问题。如既能对胎盘定位、羊水测量, 又能对单胎多胎、胎儿发育
(1)胆结石:B超 对胆囊结石的诊断率高达90%以上,能发现直径
只有3mm的结石。胆管结石因受肠道气体的干扰,诊 断率虽不如胆囊
(2) 胆囊炎:胆囊炎症会引起胆囊的大小和囊壁的改变。急性胆囊
炎时B超可见胆囊增大、囊壁弥漫性增厚; 慢性胆囊炎时,胆囊胀大或
(3)胆道肿瘤:胆囊良性肿瘤B超 图像表现为半圆形或近似圆形的
较光亮的团块,结构均匀;恶性肿瘤的团块形状不规则,密度不均匀,< br>胆囊壁增厚,凹凸不平;胆管癌的声像图表现为胆管中边缘不规则团块,
肿块上方胆管常扩张、增 粗。
内径小于2mm,如B超 显示大于上述数值即提示胆管有阻塞、阻塞上
方的胆管显示扩张增粗,因此可确定梗阻的部位,有时还可 提供阻塞的
Pushing ahead, East, North, West development, facilitating shanty, complete xincheng West Road, stability and reconstruction of the street, Star Ding garden built century Garden District, subject public housing construction, heating the gas expansion accelerated implementation, Jing Rui River and bridge style line solid shaft, further expanded the town development. Beautiful country adhere to the advance and typical for a group to lead. According to ogical lay based, and industry increased income, and live upgrade civilization, and culture rich connotationht, caught built beautiful village, and whole village advance, and easily relocation, and d three builtoject near 30 a; depth into ecological, and industry, and culture, and tourism, elements, high standards caught party original city Liu, and jade are Xia AO, model village, in province City set has benchmark. Four is equal benefits to promote sharing, coordinated development of various social undertakings. In the case of rigid spending slowing revenue growth, increase, financial 75% to the people's livelihood, the masses have more access in the sharing. Cuoban
something good and benefit. Adhere to the affordable, best, carefully cuoban village oil, water and heat, cultural, city and County columns practical, developments benefit families, bring more welfare to the masses. Development of social convenience. Acceptance of balanced development of compulsory education through the national assessment, the County vocational education center was named chool of vocational education in Chinahird batch of national reform and development model through provincial ...
Five is to deepen reform and innovation to break bottlenecks and endogenous development of effective fire. As an engine of dynamism, adding reform key to adopting reform measures stress energy and break bottlenecks and promoting development. Pay close attention to the key areas of reform. Conscientiously implement the provincial deployment and cancel, adjustment, to undertake the administrative approval items according to Regulation 347 to further improve administrative efficiency continuing deepening reform for poverty alleviation, speeding up rural land right registration certification pilot project, encouraging the orderly transfer of land management, utilize the land resources, in order to promote scale management laid the Foundation. Actively cultivate the market. Firmly establish a market-oriented, nurturing family farms, industrial users, professional cooperation organization new market management main body 456, effectively improve the industry, intensive and marketization of encouraging support social capital into the small micro-credit, urban development, culture and tourism, public services and other areas, easing
development shortfall. To promote mass innovation. o support the rural sector to use new thinking and new ideas, creative work incentives such as actively promoting financial intermediation, bring added 159 in non public enterprises, individually-1540, created a
1 、肝脏B超各叶的正常值:右肝最大斜径(肝右下缘至横膈间的
肝区探测右肝静脉长轴):不超过12. 14cm。
大垂直距离) :不超过8-10cm。
肝 B超是不能查出乙肝的。虽说B超检查不能查出乙肝,但是B超检
查在乙肝特别是慢性乙肝随访中起着重 要的作用,B超检查不但能早期
肝组织质地不一的形态及 肝脏的大小。如肝硬化时肝脏往往缩小并有小
以上的脂肪肝;肝脂肪含量达50% 以上的脂肪肝,超声诊断敏感性可
达90%;在非纤维化的肝脏中,超声诊断脂肪肝的敏感性达100% 。
诊断更准确些,但B 超费用少,操作方便,且无放射性。所以B超现
已作为脂肪肝的首选诊断方法,并广泛应用于人群脂肪肝 发病率的流行
病学普查。 通过B超可以检查出脂肪在肝脏内的含量,然后就可以很
好的判断是 否得了脂肪肝了,如果在B超检查下,肝脏内的脂肪量增加,
当其脂肪含量超过肝重量(湿重)的5%, 或在组织学上超过30%的肝实
质时,称之为脂肪肝。这是脂肪肝在医学上的确切定义。严重者,脂肪< br>含量可以达到肝重的40%—50%。 四.B超误区
Pushing ahead, East, North, West development, facilitating shanty, complete xincheng West Road, stability and reconstruction of the street, Star Ding garden built century Garden District,
subject public housing construction, heating the gas expansion accelerated implementation, Jing Rui River and bridge style line solid shaft, further expanded the town development. Beautiful
country adhere to the advance and typical for a group to lead. According to d, and industry increased income, and live upgrade civilization, and culture rich
connotationcaught built beautiful village, and whole village advance, and easily relocation, and builtoject near 30 a; depth into ecological, and industry,
and culture, and tourism, elements, high standards caught party original city Liu, and jade are Xia AO, model village, in province City set has benchmark. Four is equal benefits to promote
sharing, coordinated development of various social undertakings. In the case of rigid spending slowing revenue growth, increase, financial 75% to the people's livelihood, the masses have
more access in the sharing. Cuoban something good and benefit. Adhere to the affordable, best, carefully cuoban village oil, water and heat, cultural, city and County columns practical,
developments benefit families, bring more welfare to the masses. Development of social convenience. Acceptance of balanced development of compulsory education through the national
assessment, the County vocational education center was named chool of vocational education in Chinad batch of national reform and development model through
provincial ...
Five is to deepen reform and innovation to break bottlenecks and endogenous development of effective fire. As an engine of dynamism, adding reform key to adopting reform measure
stress energy and break bottlenecks and promoting development. Pay close attention to the key areas of reform. Conscientiously implement the provincial deployment and cancel,
adjustment, to undertake the administrative approval items according to Regulation 347 to further improve administrative efficiency continuing deepening reform for poverty alleviation,
speeding up rural land right registration certification pilot project, encouraging the orderly transfer of land management, utilize the land resources, in order to promote scale management laid
the Foundation. Actively cultivate the market. Firmly establish a market-oriented, nurturing family farms, industrial users, professional cooperation organization new market management
main body 456, effectively improve the industry, intensive and marketization of encouraging support social capital into the small micro-credit, urban development, culture and tourism, public
services and other areas, easing development shortfall. To promote mass innovation. To support the rural sector to use new thinking and new ideas, creative work incentives such as
actively promoting financial intermediation, bring added 159 in non public enterprises, individually-1540, created


页 码

由于肝脏B超检查结果的 报告都是用专业医学用语来描述的,所以
很多患者都在拿到肝脏B超检查单时,很有可能对结果的描述产 生错误
的看法。 慢性肝炎的胆囊炎不是“炎” 有句成语是“唇齿相依,肝胆
相照”。肝脏有 病,经常波及胆囊。让B超看肝炎患者的胆囊十有八九
不太正常,而且肝病越重,胆囊改变越常见,越明 显。胆囊增大、壁增
说“ 胆囊炎”。但是很多肝炎患者把这种表现当成细菌感染引起的胆囊
炎,而去用抗菌药物治疗。 其实,肝 炎患者这种B超诊断的胆囊炎临
床常无症状,无梗阻性黄疸的表现,白细胞也不高,属于病毒性非特异< br>性胆囊炎。一旦肝病好转,这种“胆囊炎”也会减轻,肝炎患者不要因
为检查结果说“胆囊炎”而 到处乱求医。 别让“弥漫性肝病”吓着 B
超检查肝脏时最常用的结果会有“弥漫性肝病”。一般这么 说是很正常
漫”了,肯 定病得不轻! 其实,病毒性肝炎、脂肪肝、肝纤维化都属
于肝脏弥漫性病变,因为这些病变在整个肝脏 的分布是相对一致的;而
的结果是是“弥漫性肝病”,意思是指患者肝脏没长肿瘤。 这“弥漫性
肝病”并不提示病情的轻重。只 要肝脏整体有基本一致的变化,B超结
果都说是“弥漫性肝病”,甚至一些年龄较大的中老年人,肝脏内 部稍
病”。许多“弥漫性 肝病”的人其实肝功能正常,不用治疗。因此,肝
炎患者不要被“弥漫性肝病”吓着,肝病是否严重,要 看包括肝功能等
许多指标并结合临床才能确定。 不要过分看重肝脏大小 肝炎患者在看
B超检 查报告时,非常关心肝脏的大小,有的患者每次把肝脏的测量都
记录下来进行比较。但肝炎患者需要知道 ,不同的时间、不同的医生、
不同的测量部位以及B超超声探头的方向对这些测量都有影响,一般来Pushing ahead, East, North, West development, facilitating shanty, complete xincheng West Road, stability and reconstruction of the street, Star Ding garden built century Garden District, subject public housing construction, heating the gas expansion accelerated implementation, Jing Rui River and bridge style line solid shaft, further expanded the town development. Beautiful country adhere to the advance and typical for a group to lead. According to ogical lay based, and industry increased income, and live upgrade civilization, and culture rich connotationht, caught built beautiful village, and whole village advance, and easily relocation, and d three builtoject near 30 a; depth into ecological, and industry, and culture, and tourism, elements, high standards caught party original city Liu, and jade are Xia AO, model village, in province City set has benchmark. Four is equal benefits to promote sharing, coordinated development of various social undertakings. In the case of rigid spending slowing revenue growth, increase, financial 75% to the people's livelihood, the masses have more access in the sharing. Cuoban
something good and benefit. Adhere to the affordable, best, carefully cuoban village oil, water and heat, cultural, city and County columns practical, developments benefit families, bring more welfare to the masses. Development of social convenience. Acceptance of balanced development of compulsory education through the national assessment, the County vocational education center was named chool of vocational education in Chinahird batch of national reform and development model through provincial ...
Five is to deepen reform and innovation to break bottlenecks and endogenous development of effective fire. As an engine of dynamism, adding reform key to adopting reform measures stress energy and break bottlenecks and promoting development. Pay close attention to the key areas of reform. Conscientiously implement the provincial deployment and cancel, adjustment, to undertake the administrative approval items according to Regulation 347 to further improve administrative efficiency continuing deepening reform for poverty alleviation, speeding up rural land right registration certification pilot project, encouraging the orderly transfer of land management, utilize the land resources, in order to promote scale management laid the Foundation. Actively cultivate the market. Firmly establish a market-oriented, nurturing family farms, industrial users, professional cooperation organization new market management main body 456, effectively improve the industry, intensive and marketization of encouraging support social capital into the small micro-credit, urban development, culture and tourism, public services and other areas, easing
development shortfall. To promote mass innovation. o support the rural sector to use new thinking and new ideas, creative work incentives such as actively promoting financial intermediation, bring added 159 in non public enterprises, individually-1540, created a说相差1~2厘米是常见的,肝炎患者不要过分看重B超提示的肝脏大
小。另外,肿大的肝脏逐渐缩 小有时是肝脏炎症好转,但有时则相反。
因为肝硬化时,肝脏的体积也缩小。 别把血管瘤、肝囊肿当肝癌 B超
炎患者的恐慌。因为你们 知道,肝炎常可引起肝癌,所以对肝脏里看到
的一点点占位性病变都非常敏感。 如果是肝囊肿,肝炎患 者不必太过
肝脏最常见的 良性肿瘤,可发生于任何年龄。血管瘤的发展非常缓慢,
小血管瘤可无任何症状,大多数是在体检时被B 超发现。一般说来小的
肝 囊肿和血管瘤才需要外科手术或介入治疗。
B超检查肝脏的优点: 1、B 超检查是超声检查是一种无放射性损伤的
检查,这是和CT相比最大的优点,属于无创性检查技术。 2 、由于超
像图特点对病灶 进行定位和测量。实时动态显示,可观察肝的血流动力
学情况。 3、超声检查能够立即得到检查结果,还可以反复多次重复观
察。 4、B超检查的设备相对CT等比较轻便、易操作,对危重患者可
B超检查肝脏的缺点: 1、声像图表现的是器官和组织的声阻抗差改变,
缺乏特异性,对病变 的定性诊断需要综合分析并与其他影像学表现和临
床资料相结合。也就是说,B超检查肝脏一般不能作为 单一确诊某疾病
的证据。 2、声像图显示的是某局部断面,对肝脏和病灶整体的空间位
置和构 型很难在一幅图上清晰显示。另外,如果病变过小或声阻抗差不
大,不引起反射,则很难在声像图上显示 。 3、B超检查肝脏结果的准
确性与超声设备的性能以及检查人员的操作技术和经验有很大关系,为< br>操作人员依赖性技术。这句话的意思就是,B超检查准不准和做B超检
查的医生的操作水平有很大 的关系。
Pushing ahead, East, North, West development, facilitating shanty, complete xincheng West Road, stability and reconstruction of the street, Star Ding garden built century Garden District,
subject public housing construction, heating the gas expansion accelerated implementation, Jing Rui River and bridge style line solid shaft, further expanded the town development. Beautiful
country adhere to the advance and typical for a group to lead. According to d, and industry increased income, and live upgrade civilization, and culture rich
connotationcaught built beautiful village, and whole village advance, and easily relocation, and builtoject near 30 a; depth into ecological, and industry,
and culture, and tourism, elements, high standards caught party original city Liu, and jade are Xia AO, model village, in province City set has benchmark. Four is equal benefits to promote
sharing, coordinated development of various social undertakings. In the case of rigid spending slowing revenue growth, increase, financial 75% to the people's livelihood, the masses have
more access in the sharing. Cuoban something good and benefit. Adhere to the affordable, best, carefully cuoban village oil, water and heat, cultural, city and County columns practical,
developments benefit families, bring more welfare to the masses. Development of social convenience. Acceptance of balanced development of compulsory education through the national
assessment, the County vocational education center was named chool of vocational education in Chinad batch of national reform and development model through
provincial ...
Five is to deepen reform and innovation to break bottlenecks and endogenous development of effective fire. As an engine of dynamism, adding reform key to adopting reform measure
stress energy and break bottlenecks and promoting development. Pay close attention to the key areas of reform. Conscientiously implement the provincial deployment and cancel,
adjustment, to undertake the administrative approval items according to Regulation 347 to further improve administrative efficiency continuing deepening reform for poverty alleviation,
speeding up rural land right registration certification pilot project, encouraging the orderly transfer of land management, utilize the land resources, in order to promote scale management laid
the Foundation. Actively cultivate the market. Firmly establish a market-oriented, nurturing family farms, industrial users, professional cooperation organization new market management
main body 456, effectively improve the industry, intensive and marketization of encouraging support social capital into the small micro-credit, urban development, culture and tourism, public
services and other areas, easing development shortfall. To promote mass innovation. To support the rural sector to use new thinking and new ideas, creative work incentives such as
actively promoting financial intermediation, bring added 159 in non public enterprises, individually-1540, created


页 码

或作严格的肠道准备。如 腹腔的肝、胆、胰的探测前3日最好禁食牛奶、
豆制品、糖类等易于发酵产气食物,检查前1天晚吃清淡 饮食,当天需
空腹禁食、禁水。 B超室 病人如同时要作胃肠、胆道X线造影及胃
镜检查时 ,超声波检查应在X线造影前进行,或在上述造影3天后进
3、妇科检查:如检查盆腔 的子宫及其附件、膀胱、等脏器时,检查前
需保留膀胱尿液,可在检查前2小时饮开水1000毫升左右 ,检查前2~
4、孕期检查:怀孕期间应注意不要滥查B超,可能致胎儿 畸形。医院
生部要求必须 检出的畸形之外,到底还存在哪些缺陷。对这些缺陷,若
医院没有检查出,或者没有履行告知义务,医院 就是失职,就应该承担
朵 等部位有缺陷,则对生育者来说是一种极大的伤害。
5、眼:检查时将被检眼闭合,非受检眼平视天 花板,下颌微微上翘,
内 ,损伤眼睛。
优点 第一、超声的扫查可以连贯地、动态地观察脏器的 运动和
检查已被公认为胆 道系统疾病首选的检查方法。 第二、B超对实质性
器官(肝、胰、脾、肾等)以外的脏器,还能结合多 普勒技术监测血液流
Pu shing ahead, East, North, West development, facilitating shanty, complete xincheng West Road, stability and reconstruction of the street, Star Ding garden built century Garden District, subject public housing construction, heating the gas expansion accelerated implementation, Jing Rui River and bridge style line solid shaft, further expanded the town development. Beautiful country adhere to the advance and typical for a group to lead. According to ogical lay based, and industry increased income, and live upgrade civilization, and culture rich connotationht, caught built beautiful village, and whole village advance, and easily relocation, and d three builtoject near 30 a; depth into ecological, and industry, and culture, and tourism, elements, high standards caught party original city Liu, and jade are Xia AO, model village, in province City set has benchmark. Four is equal benefits to promote sharing, coordinated development of various social undertakings. In the case of rigid spending slowing revenue growth, increase, financial 75% to the people's livelihood, the masses have more access in the sharing. Cuoban
something good and benefit. Adhere to the affordable, best, carefully cuoban village oil, water and heat, cultural, city and County columns practical, developments benefit families, bring more welfare to the masses. Development of social convenience. Acceptance of balanced development of compulsory education through the national assessment, the County vocational education center was named chool of vocational education in Chinahird batch of national reform and development model through provincial ...
Five is to deepen reform and innovation to break bottlenecks and endogenous development of effective fire. As an engine of dynamism, adding reform key to adopting reform measures stress energy and break bottlenecks and promoting development. Pay close attention to the key areas of reform. Conscientiously implement the provincial deployment and cancel, adjustment, to undertake the administrative approval items according to Regulation 347 to further improve administrative efficiency continuing deepening reform for poverty alleviation, speeding up rural land right registration certification pilot project, encouraging the orderly transfer of land management, utilize the land resources, in order to promote scale management laid the Foundation. Actively cultivate the market. Firmly establish a market-oriented, nurturing family farms, industrial users, professional cooperation organization new market management main body 456, effectively improve the industry, intensive and marketization of encouraging support social capital into the small micro-credit, urban development, culture and tourism, public services and other areas, easing
development shortfall. To promote mass innovation. o support the rural sector to use new thinking and new ideas, creative work incentives such as actively promoting financial intermediation, bring added 159 in non public enterprises, individually-1540, created a
可直观地看到心脏内的各种结构及是否有异常。 第三、超声设备易于
移动,没有创伤,对于行动不便的患者可在床边进行诊断。 第四、价
格低 廉。超声检查的费用一般为35~150元次,是CT检查的110,
核磁共振的130。这对于大多数 工薪阶层来说,是比较能够承受的。
“B超”也因此经常被用于健康查体。 第五、超声对人体没有辐射,
缺点 由于成像原理不同,几种仪器对各种脏器的检查也各有突
出特点! 一、比如B超在清晰度、分辨率等方面,明显弱于后者。 二、
B超对肠道等空腔器官病变易漏诊。 三、气体对超声影响很大,患者
容易受到患者肠气干扰等多方面因素影响检查结果 四、B超检查需要< br>改变体位屏气等,对于骨折和不能配合病人不适用。检查结果也易受医
师临床技能水平的影响。 五、孕妇滥查B超可能易致胎儿畸形。









本文更新与2020-10-26 19:20,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:http://www.xapfxb.com/yuer/333034.html
