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更新日期:2020-10-15 02:11


Just like any other vitamins and minerals, vitamin D plays a crucial role in many important body
functions. We need to meet our vitamin D needs in order to avoid serious health issues.

就像其它的维生素和矿物质一样,维生素D在很多重要的身 体机能上扮演着一个至关重要
Not getting enough vitamin D can lead to weak bones, sclerosis, muscle weakness, depression,
and even cancer. Besides getting 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure each day, consider
incorporating the following foods into your meal plan to boost your Vitamin D intake.
没有获取足够的维生素D能够导致骨质疏松,细胞壁硬化,肌无力,抑郁症,甚至患癌 症。
1. Dairy products
1. 乳制品
Cow's or goat's milk is an excellent source of vitamin D. Cow's milk provides your body with
about 50% of your Vitamin D daily requirements, while goat's milk provides only 31%.
量的5 0%,同时羊奶仅仅提供31%。
Anyway, any organic milk is healthy as it is fortified with bone-building calcium. Apart from milk,
consider consuming cheese, cottage cheese, butter, yogurt, buttermilk, and kefir. Look for low-fat
versions if you are on a diet.
总而言之,任何有机奶都 是对健康有益的因为它补充了骨骼生长所需的钙。除了奶,还可以
考虑吃奶酪,白干酪,黄油,酸奶酪, 脱脂乳和开菲尔。如果你在节食就选择低脂型的。
2. Eggs
2. 鸡蛋
Personally I consider eggs a superfood because they contain so many vitamins and minerals that
not eating them is a huge mistake. They contain tons of protein, choline, vitamin A, vitamin B12,
vitamin B6, calcium and vitamin D.
One egg provides your body with 11% of your daily recommended value of Vitamin D. Isn't it a
reason to have some eggs for breakfast or lunch?
一个鸡蛋提供给你的身体每天所需维生素D总量的11%。它难道不是早饭或午饭吃一些 鸡
3. Caviar
3. 鱼子酱

Caviar is fortified with vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin D, vitamin A, calcium, iron, and protein.
I am not a big caviar fan, but if you are, why not make it a part of your weekly meal plan?

鱼子酱富含维生素B12,维生素 B6,维生素D,维生素A,钙,铁和蛋白质。我不喜欢吃
鱼子酱,但如果你喜欢,为什么不让它成为你 每周膳食计划的一部分呢?
There are many ways to consume caviar, but make sure you do not cook and bake it. Avoid buying
fake caviar.
Vitamin D deficiency is a big problem these days since we tend to spend more time in the offices
during the day. Whenever possible, try to walk outdoors to get your dose of vitamin D. Include
these three foods in your meal plan to make sure your vitamin D intake is not low.
现在维生素D缺失是一个大问题因为我 们一天中经常花费很多时间在办公室里。只要有可
能的话,尽量出去散散步以此来获取你身体所需的维生 素D。将这三种食物纳入你的膳食计
Sweden is a lovely locale with a vibrant nightlife and friendly faces abound. Here are some tips
for ladies interested in visiting this fair nation, whether you're going to swim or ski. Start your
journey today.

瑞典是一个令人心情愉悦的地方,到处都是充满活 力的夜生活和友善的面孔。以下是针对女
士前往这个中立国旅行所提出的几点温馨提示。你是否打算去游 泳或者滑雪呢。今天开始你
1. Currency
1. 货币
Don't worry, that jar of peanut butter does not cost $$33. Even though Sweden is a part of the
European Union, it is key to recognize that Sweden does not use the Euro as its currency. Sweden
has kept to its traditional Swedish kronor as a monetary unit, with exchange rates fluctuating
from .08-.12 USD to 1 Swedish krona, ordinarily.
别担心,一罐花生酱不是33美元。虽然瑞典是欧盟成员国, 但关键一点你要注意到瑞典不
用欧元作为它的货币。瑞典仍使用它传统的瑞典克朗作为货币单位,通常兑 换1瑞典克朗的
You will need to exchange your dollars, pounds, or other currency for the colorful monies of
Sweden in order to have cash to spend. Most places of business will also accept major credit cards,
of course, but it is always good to keep some paper bills in your wallet.
为了便于现金消费,你需要将美元,英镑 或是其它货币兑换成五颜六色的瑞典货币。当然了,
大部分交易的地方也可以使用一些主要银行的信用卡 ,但在钱包里放些纸币总归是有好处

2. Do not be a litterbug

2. 不要做一个乱扔垃圾的人
During your trip to Sweden, you are sure to notice that the streets are relatively clean of garbage,
even in larger places such as Gothenburg and Malm?. This is because a love of nature is deeply
instilled in the hearts of all Swedish people, and their respect for nature has yielded a beautifully
green, environmentally friendly society.
在瑞典旅行期间,你一定会 注意到街上很干净没有垃圾,即使是在更大的城市,比如哥德堡
和马尔默。这是因为热爱大自然的理念已 经深入每一个瑞典人的内心,正是由于他们对大自
然的尊重,使得他们营造出了一个美丽的绿色环境友好 型社会。
3. Minding your manners
3. 注意你的言谈举止
While the United States culture is somewhat pervasive in European culture, with Sweden being no
exception, there are of course differences in the everyday mannerisms and what is considered to
be polite in public.
虽然美国文化比较普遍地渗透到了欧洲文 化中,瑞典也不例外,但仍有一些日常行为方式是
Nonetheless, the people of Sweden are friendly and accommodating, but also generally a bit shy.
You may find that folks might skirt around you in the convenience store rather than say 'hello,' and
waving at someone unfamiliar may cause them to avert their eyes and dart off.
尽管如此,瑞典 人还是非常友好和随和的,但通常也是有点儿害羞。你可能会发现在便利店
里人们更多的是保持沉默而不 是说你好,和陌生人挥手打招呼可能会导致他们躲避目光,
While some have tried pretty shocking techniques to lose weight, there are also some common,
long-held techniques that seem like a good idea - and may even work at first - but are absolutely
going to backfire and end up causing weight gain. If you're on a quest to a slimmer you, avoid
doing these two things.

一些人尝试了令人非常惊讶的减肥技术,也有人用一些普遍的、长期以来被 人们所使用的方
法,这些方法看上去似乎不错--甚至也许初期有效果-- 但是绝对会反弹,最终导致体重增加。
Skipping Out on Meals
In order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. And while reducing the number of
calories in your diet is one way to do this, skipping an entire meal is not the way to go. Starving
the body can slow down its metabolism and lead to overeating later. And let's face it, if you're
running on empty, you won't have the energy for a calorie-crushing workout later. Beyond
adopting a healthier diet in general, the best way to reduce your calorie intake is
to find ways to make healthy swaps in your favorite foods and also by choosing lower-calorie
foods that are high in fiber, protein, or whole grains, which can better keep you full.
为了减肥,你需要减少体内卡路里的含量。虽 然减少你饮食中的卡路里摄入量是一种方法,
但是整顿饭都不吃是不可取的。饥饿的身体会降低新陈代谢 速度,从而导致晚些时候暴饮暴
食。面对现实吧,如果你空腹跑步,你将没有能量消耗卡路里。采取一种 更健康的饮食方式,
最好从你喜欢的食物里选择更健康的食物来食用,以此来减少你卡路里的摄入量,同 时也可

Only Exercising

Working out is definitely part of the weight-loss equation, but if you think it means you can eat
whatever you want, you're not going to be happy with the results. Keep in mind that a 30-minute
run at a pace of six mph burns about 270 calories. In order to lose a pound a week, you need to
burn or cut out 500 calories a day. So that means coupled with your 30-minute workout, you still
need to cut out 230 calories from your diet, which most likely does not translate to eating
everything in sight. Research actually proves that
what you eat - focusing on eating healthy portions throughout the day - can be even more
important than how much you work out.
锻炼身体 确实对减肥很重要,但如果你认为这意味着你能吃任何你想吃的东西,结果将不会
让你满意。记得以时速 六英里跑30分钟能消耗270卡路里。为了一周减一磅,你需要每天
消耗或者减少摄入500卡路里。 这就意味着就算加上你30分钟跑步的锻炼,你仍需在饮食
上减少230卡路里的摄入,也就是说不能什 么都吃。研究确实证实了腹肌是在厨房练成的,
意思是说你吃的东西--关注一天的健康饮食-- 比你的运动量更加重要。
跳广场舞预防老年痴呆 运动可以改变衰老进程
More people are living longer these days, but the good news comes shadowed by the possible
increase in cases of age-related mental decline. By some estimates, the global incidence of
dementia will more than triple in the next 35 years. That grim prospect is what makes a study
published in March in The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease so encouraging: It turns out that regular
walking, cycling, swimming, dancing and even gardening may substantially reduce the risk of

如今,长寿的人越来越多,但年龄相关性心智衰退病例 的增加却给原本的好消息蒙上了一层
阴影。据估计,在未来35年内,全球痴呆症发病率将达到现在的3 倍以上。如此可怕的前
景当前,今年3月发表在《阿尔茨海默氏症杂志》(The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease)上的
一项研究就显得格外鼓舞人心了:事实证明,经 常散步、骑自行车、游泳、跳舞,甚至是从

Exercise has long been linked to better mental capacity in older people. Little research, however,
has tracked individuals over years, while also including actual brain scans. So for the new study,
researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, and other institutions analyzed data
produced by the Cardiovascular Health Study, begun in 1989, which has evaluated almost 6,000
older men and women. The subjects complete medical and cognitive tests, fill out questionnaires
about their lives and physical activities and receive M.R.I. scans of their brains. Looking at 10
years of data from nearly 900 participants who were at least 65 upon entering the study, the
researchers first determined who was cognitively impaired, based on their cognitive assessments.
Next they estimated the number of calories burned through weekly exercise, based on the
participants’ questionnaires.

人们早已发现,在老年人身上,运动与较好的心智功能有 关。然而,很少有研究采用脑部扫
描等手段对老年人进行长达数年的跟踪。在这项新研究中,加州大学洛 杉矶分校(University
of California, Los Angeles, U.C.L.A.)等机构的研究人员分析了《心血管健康研究》
(Cardiovascular Health Study)中产生的数据。该研究始于1989年,评估了近6000名老年男
性和女 性。受试者们完成了体检和认知水平测试,填写了关于他们生活和体育活动的调查问
卷,并接受了脑部M .R.I.(磁共振成像)扫描。研究人员查看了近900名在入组时至少年满
65岁的参与者在10年 期间的数据,并根据认知评估的结果判定了哪些参与者存在认知障碍。
接下来,他们又根据参与者填写的 问卷估算了他们每周运动消耗的卡路里数。

The scans showed that the top quartile of active individuals proved to have substantially more
gray matter, compared with their peers, in those parts of the brain related to memory and
higher--level thinking. More gray matter, which consists mostly of neurons, is generally equated
with greater brain health. At the same time, those whose physical activity increased over a
five-year period — though these cases were few — showed notable increases in gray-matter
volume in those same parts of their brains. And, perhaps most meaningful, people who had more
gray matter correlated with physical activity also had 50 percent less risk five years later of having
experienced memory decline or of having developed Alzheimer’s.

扫描结果显示,运动最为积极的那四分之 一的参与者,其大脑中与记忆力和高层次思维相关
部位中的灰质量远多于其他人。脑部的神经元几乎都集 中在灰质部分,脑灰质较多通常就等
同于脑部较为健康。此外,在5年期间体育活动有所增加的老年人— —尽管这样的例子并不
多——脑部相同部位中的灰质量也显著增加了。而或许最有意义的是,5年后,这 些存在体

“For the purposes of brain health, it looks like it’s a very good idea to stay as physically active as
possible,” says Cyrus Raji, a senior radiology resident at U.C.L.A., who led the study. He points
out that “physical activity” is an elastic term in this study: It includes walking,
jogging and moderate cycling as well as gardening, ballroom dancing and other calorie-burning
recreational pursuits. Dr. Raji said he hopes that further research might show whether this caloric
expenditure is remodeling the brain, perhaps by reducing inflammation or vascular diseases.

这项新研究的 负责人、加州大学洛杉矶分校放射科住院医师培训项目的高年级医师赛勒
斯·拉吉(Cyrus Raj i)说:“为了促进大脑的健康,尽可能地积极运动是个好主意。”他指出,
在这项研究中,“体育活动 ”一词的含义相当宽泛:包括散步、慢跑、中速骑自行车、从事
园艺工作以及跳交谊舞等多种可以燃烧卡 路里的娱乐活动。拉吉博士说,他希望进一步的研
究可以揭示出这种热量消耗是否在通过减少炎症或血管 疾病等机制重塑大脑。

The ideal amount and type of activity for staving off memory loss is unknown, he says, although
even the most avid exercisers in this group were generally cycling or dancing only a few times a
week. Still, the takeaway is that physical activity might change aging’s arc. “If we want to live a
long time but also keep our memories, our basic selves, intact, keep moving,” Dr. Raji says.

他还说, 避免记忆力减退的理想运动量和运动类型尚不明确,不过,在他所研究的这组老年
人中,最“狂热”的锻 炼者一般也不过是每周骑几次车或者跳几次舞而已。尽管如此,还是
可以得出这样的结论:体育活动可以 改变衰老的进程。拉吉博士说:“如果我们不仅想要长
寿,还想要保持良好的记忆力和完整的自我,就坚 持运动吧。”

Are you an avid selfie-taker? You are at risk of developing elbowwhich is slowly
becoming a real medical condition. Like tennis elbow or golfer's elbow, an addiction to
selfie-taking can cause a pain in your primary pic-snapping elbow, according to a report.

你是个狂热的自拍爱好者吗?那么你就面临着患上“自拍肘”的风险,而这 一风险正逐渐地
成为一项真正的医学问题。一项报告表明,就像“网球肘”或“高尔夫肘”,对自拍的高 度

In a recent case, award-winning journalist and NBC's Today show host Hoda Kotb went to a
doctor complaining of pain in her elbow, reported.

医生抱怨肘 部疼痛。

you playing tennis or ping-pong?' I told him I was
taking selfies,

科特普说:“我 去看了整形外科医师,他说‘你最近在打网球还是乒乓球?’我告诉他我在

think about how many you take: 20, 30, or 40. Selfie elbow, everyone has it,
also a well- documented figure on photo-sharing website Instagram.

“当你在拍照的时候,你的胳膊抬起,很奇怪地弯曲着,而你却在咔 嚓、咔嚓、咔嚓——想
着你拍了多少照片:20,30还是40。自拍肘,每个人都深受其害,”作为一 位早已在Instagram

Her doctor recommended icing her elbow and certain exercises to help relieve the soreness.


the interface between technology and the human body sometimes causes injuries of
over- exuberance,
the US, was quoted as saying in a Cosmopolitan report.

乔丹?梅茨尔曾在接受Cosmopolit an杂志采访时说:“其实有时候过度使用科技产品会给人
体带来伤害。”他是一位美国特色外科医院的 医疗运动外科医师。

The problem is simply overuse.


it irritates the area where the muscle comes off the bone and you get this inflammatory response,
Metzl added.

“拍太多的自拍会让你形成一只‘自拍肘’,因为这只臂肘的肌肉承受太大压力,这些压力< br>会刺激肌肉和骨骼连接的部分,因此你会感受到一种炎症性反应。”梅茨尔补充道。

The condition can be treated by taking pain relievers like Advil or Motrin for the inflammation
and putting on some ice as well as stretching the muscles.

使用一些像埃德维尔、布洛芬等 止痛药来治疗炎性反应,或者是冰敷,伸展肌肉,这些方法


From gaming and chatting to selfie-taking, texting and tweeting, there has been a significant rise
in injuries in teenagers than before.


takes the pressure off the elbow,
Rehabilitation at NYU Langone Medical Center in the US.

“对于那些狂热的自拍爱好者来说,不妨使用自拍杆 ,它就像胳膊伸展器,能够减轻肘部压
力,”查尔斯?金,一位来自美国纽约大学朗格尼医学中心鲁斯科 康复医院的肌肉骨骼修复专









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