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更新日期:2020-10-31 16:36


到底 是因为什么呢?先别恐慌,跟随小编对这种疾病加以了解。

引起儿童大便出血的原因,除了 内科疾病外,还可能是外科疾病。如果是外科性大便出血,
仅靠吃药、打针等治疗手段多半是不行的。有 时虽然一时见效。但往往会延误诊治,甚至还
可造成严重后果。大便出血是许多疾病都可出现的症状,它 表示有胃肠道出血。一般说来,



下消化道出血多表 现为大便出血,血呈鲜红或暗红色,量的多少因病情而异。长期、少量、
反复大便出血,可引起小儿贫血 及营养不良,而一次大量出血,常可致失血性休克,危及生


直肠息 肉是小儿大便出血最常见的原因之一,多见于3-6岁儿童。大便出血特点为排便终了
时出现鲜血,量少 ,不与粪便混杂。息肉通常长在肠壁的粘膜上,好像一个带蒂的肉疙瘩,
通常如黄豆或蚕豆大小。有经验 的医生用手指为病儿做直肠检查,可摸到息肉。位置低的息
肉,排便时可脱出肛门,犹如一个红色的肉球 。单发性直肠息肉,可采用手法摘除而治愈,



肛裂是指肛门口边 缘的裂伤,多见于两岁左右的婴幼儿。大便出血特点为肛门有点滴鲜血。
同时伴有排便痛,当孩子解大便 时就会哭闹不安,大便干硬。引起肛裂的原因有许多种,如
先天性肛门狭窄、排干硬大便时撕裂肛门,以 及肛门损伤或感染。肛裂若处理不当,则可产


血 特点为果酱样大便。病儿因腹痛引起阵发性哭闹、呕吐。医生在腹部可摸到包块。肠套叠
早期的病儿,多 采用空气灌肠,进行复位治疗;如果病情已到晚期,则需要手术治疗。


这是一种先天性肠道畸形,是由于发育异常而 在肠壁上形成的囊状物,多见两岁以内小儿。
大便出血特点为突然大量血便,先黑后红。憩室位于回肠末 段,因可能含有异位的胃动膜或
胰腺组织,所以可发生溃疡出血。若出血量多,可引起休克,反复大便出 血可导致贫血。采




急性坏死性肠炎大便出血特点为赤豆汤、洗肉水样,腥臭味, 同时伴有高热、腹痛、呕吐、

6、其他消化性溃疡、肠旋转不良与重复畸形、胃食管返流、食管裂孔疝、门静脉高压等疾< br>病,均可以引起消化道出血而产生大便出血。

温馨提示:宝宝大便出血的情况发生后 先不要恐慌着急,正确应对及时到专业医院进行检查

淘宝网聚划算 every baby is a pearl in the palm family,
the baby's health is affecting the family heart. Baby stool bleeding what? Don't
panic, follow small make up to this disease to understand.
The cause of children bowel bleeding, in addition to the Department of internal
medicine disease, may also be a surgical disease. If it is a surgical stool bleeding,
only take medicine, injections and other treatment is mostly not. Sometimes although
the time effect. But often delayed treatment, even can cause serious consequences.
Stool bleeding is that many diseases can appear the symptom, it expressed in
gastrointestinal bleeding. Generally speaking, hemorrhage of upper digestive tract
showed hematemesis and tarry stool;
Causes of children bowel bleeding
Causes of children bowel bleeding
Hemorrhage of lower digestive tract showed bowel bleeding, blood was bright red or
dark red, how much because of illness and different. Long term, small amount,
repeated bowel bleeding, can cause anemia and malnutrition in children, and a large
amount of bleeding, often can cause hemorrhagic shock, endanger life.
Below is a brief description of common surgical diseases of children caused by bowel
1, polyp of rectum
Rectum polyp is one of the most common causes of infantile bowel bleeding, see more
at 3-6 year old children. Stool bleeding characteristics for defecation end appear
blood, the quantity is little, not with manure mixed. Polyps are usually long in
the intestinal wall of the mucous membrane, as a pedicled flesh lump, usually as
the soya beans or bean size. Experienced doctors with a finger for the children to
do rectal examination, can touch the polyp. Position lower polyp, defecation may
prolapse anus, as if a red ball. Solitary rectal polyps, ways can be adopted to remove
and cure, if more than one polyp (multiple), it should be treated with operation.
Causes of children bowel bleeding
Causes of children bowel bleeding
2, anal fissure
Anal fissure is refers to the edge of the laceration of anus, found in about two
years old infant. Stool bleeding characteristics as the anus drip blood. At the same
time with defecate is painful, when children defecate when crying, stool dry and
hard. Anal fissure caused by many reasons, such as congenital anal stenosis, rows
of dry hard stool and tear the anus, anal infection or injury. If processing is
undeserved, anal fissure, it can result in anal fistula.
In 3, acute intussusception
Intussusception is one of the most common acute abdomen in infant. More common in
children under two years of age, especially 4-10 months baby. Stool bleeding
characteristics as the jam like shit. Patients with abdominal pain caused by
paroxysmal crying, vomiting. The doctor may be palpable mass in the abdomen. Early
children intussusception by air enema, much, reset treatment; if the illness has
reached an advanced stage, need operation treatment.
4, Meckel's diverticulum (formerly called Meckel's diverticulum)
This is a congenital intestinal deformity, is due to bladder dysplasia and formed
in the intestinal wall, more common in children under two years old. The
characteristics of a large number of bloody stool bleeding suddenly, after the first
black red. Diverticulum in the terminal ileum, because may contain ectopic gastric
dynamic membrane or pancreatic tissue, so it can be ulcer bleeding. If the amount
of bleeding, can cause shock, repeated bowel bleeding causes anemia. Using check
isotope scanning, the disease can be diagnosed. Of Meckel's diverticulum in
operation treatment is appropriate.
Causes of children bowel bleeding
Causes of children bowel bleeding
In 5, acute necrotizing enteritis
Acute necrotizing enteritis bowel bleeding characteristics of red bean soup, wash
the meat in water, stench, accompanied by fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea
and other symptoms, serious when can appear shock. Blood routine examination, found
that white cells increased significantly.
6, other peptic ulcer, intestinal malrotation and duplication, gastroesophageal
reflux, esophageal hiatal hernia, portal hypertension and other diseases, can be
caused by bowel bleeding of digestive tract hemorrhage.
Reminder: baby stool bleeding occurred after the first don't panic and worry, the
correct response timely to the professional hospital for examination and treatment.









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